Anything that slips to junk status as Ireland, Portugal and Greek government bonds are rated is considered a highly speculative investment. 任何类似于爱尔兰、希腊和葡萄牙的恶劣状况都会被认为是高度泡沫化的投资。
The Hong Kong government recently introduced new taxes on property purchases to deter speculative investment by foreigners. 香港政府近期出台了针对房地产购买的新税,以遏制非本地人士的投机行为。
Already, M1 growth is consistently outpacing m2, suggesting that tightening measures so far have pushed more liquidity into speculative activities than longer-term investment. 1的增长已持续超过m2,这表明,迄今为止的紧缩举措将更多的流动性推入了投机性活动,而非较长期的投资。
In that case, the large speculative investment in copper could withdraw en masse – leading to a potentially precipitous fall in prices. 如果是这样的话,对铜的大规模投机性投资可能会集体撤出,从而可能导致铜价暴跌。
There undoubtedly has been a property bubble, particularly in the major cities, with prices driven by speculative investment, as the few who have money often ill-gotten buy more property. 毫无疑问,房地产市场存在泡沫,尤其是在大城市,价格被投机资本推高,少数人用非法获得的资本购买更多的房产。
More sophisticated investors will also use a hedging strategy in combination with their speculative investment in order to limit potential losses. 更精细的投资者会使用套期保值策略以控制投机性投资的潜在损失。
The speculative art market has never been hotter, as more and more buyers see art as an investment with the potential for tremendous returns. 艺术市场的投机从未如此火爆,越来越多的买家将艺术视为可以获得非凡回报的潜力投资。
The ADB report also repeated earlier calls for emerging Asian economies to review ways of controlling destabilising swings in capital flows, including minimising speculative investment from overseas. 亚行报告还重复了早先的呼吁,希望亚洲新兴经济体评估控制不稳定资本流动的方法,包括把海外投机性投资降至最低限度。
Speculative investment in the metal has been growing steadily over the past year, yet its price has fallen by half. 该金属的投机资本在过去几年之中一直稳步增长,而其价格却跌了将近一半。
In most countries, the bursting of the real estate bubble means an end to speculative overbuilding, and more investment in useful projects, rather than national obsessions with house flipping. 在大多数国家,房地产泡沫破裂意味着,投机性过度建设画上句号,更多的投资流入有用的项目、而不是全民性的炒房热潮。
It was this logic that ensured a clear separation in the US banking act of 1933 between deposit-taking commercial banks and the speculative investment banking business. 正是这一逻辑,确保了美国《1933年银行法》(usbankingactof1933)做出明确隔离吸收存款的商业银行与投机性投行业务的规定。
Unlike the dot-com companies at the heart of the last speculative investment bubble, the new gold rush was centered on something that seemed unimpeachably solid& the American home. 与上一轮网络公司的投机性投资泡沫不同的是,这一轮新的淘金热集中在某些似乎无懈可击的基础之上,即美国房产。
Rising speculative inflows are likely to fuel further overheating in the property market and even delay the much-needed adjustment in real estate investment. 投机资本流入量不断增长,可能加剧房地产市场的过热,甚至延迟房地产投资急需的调整。
Although it is impossible to calculate how much of that inflow is short-term, speculative capital, the figures were substantially higher than the combined numbers for the trade surplus and foreign direct investment. 尽管不可能计算出流入资金中有多少是短期投机资金,但这些数据远高于贸易盈余和外商直接投资两项之和。
There are several defects like insufficient validity, speculative feature, signal investment items on securities market, it is difficult for investor to choose useful investment compounding, and no way to shun system risk. 我国证券市场还存在着有效性不足、市场具有投机性、证券投资产品单一等缺陷,投资者很难构造有效的投资组合,无法规避系统风险。
With the development of the securities market in China to a normative operations model, regarding security investment, investors and investment institution focused on speculative psychology, but have transferred to analysis on intrinsic investment value of security. 随着中国证券市场逐步向规范化运作的方向发展,投资者或投资机构对证券投资的理念已从投机心理回归到更加注重证券内在的投资价值分析。
This paper studies the speculative risk and its measure for securities investment. 本文研究证券投资既有损失的可能、又有超额赢利的可能的投机风险及其测度。
Furthermore, through psychological analysis of different speculative investments and the prospect value model based on investment psychology, we explain the importance of different knowledge among speculators in forming a trade. 进一步通过引入投机者的不同投资心理和基于投资心理的展望价值模型,解释了投机者对未来的不同认知分布是形成交易的重要原因。
All these requirements and accelerate the development of real estate industry in our country. Currently, the real estate investment opportunities on the success of speculative is gradually decreased, and only by correct decision-making, standardize management, scientific investment, the project development can succeed. 这些都要求并加快了我国的房地产行业的快速发展。当前,房地产投资靠投机取得成功的机会逐渐减少,只有靠决策正确、经营规范、投资科学的项目开发才能获得成功。
To ensure that pension fund investments in security, to prevent the emergence of speculative behavior, due to be paid to meet the needs, we must make the necessary investment in pension supervision. 为保证养老保险基金投资的安全性,杜绝投机行为的出现,满足到期支付的需要,就必须对养老保险的投资进行必要的监管。
In recent years, the rising housing price has become an unprecedented hot issue. The rise of speculative investment of the real estate market results in the soaring housing prices. 近年来,房价上涨成为人们空前关注的热点问题,房地产市场投机性投资的兴起,致使房价飞速上涨。
The article will demonstrate the speculative and investment motivational behavior of managers and alert companies to raise awareness in this regard. 在访谈的过程中,论证企业管理者存在投机与投资动机行为,即存在企业经营风险。警惕企业要提高这方面的认识。
International financial capital has its own unique characteristics as well as common features of monetary capital. According to the targets of movements, international financial capital includes speculative capital and investment capital. 国际金融资本既具有货币资本的一般特性,同时也具有自身独特的运动规律,根据国际金融资本流动目的其可分为交易性金融资本和投资性金融资本。
The so-called speculative and that the people engaged in the virtual economy, when investment in pursuit of personal desire to maximize. 所谓投机人就是人们在从事虚拟经济投资之时追逐个人欲望的最大化。
With the new "country of five" policy introduced, the real estate market continue to implement the regulation of the purchase policy, curb speculative investment demand more stringent, house prices will stop rising in a certain period of time. 随着新国五条的政策出台,房地产市场继续执行限购政策、抑制投资投机性需求的调控更加严厉,房价将在一定时期停止上涨。
Both as a speculative and investment, high risk and high yield securities trading, major world security markets are as the establishment of formal institutional arrangement. 作为一种兼具投机性与投资性、高风险与高收益的证券交易方式,世界主要的证券市场都将其作为正式的制度安排确立下来。